The theme of the camp is "SOAR" and each ward congregation is assigned a bird and a young women's value--we are owls and knowledge (and the color assigned to knowledge is green).
So in keeping with the theme we made our camp t-shirts last Wednesday night. I found this fun owl applique on Pinterest. I had to enlarge it and actually did two different sizes for the girls to choose from. Then I brought my scrap bags and let them choose their design.
I always like to see what the girls will pick. We'll be the same but different. The girls had no problems seeing how fun their owls would look with crazy combos of fabrics. The women, on the other hand, were trying to be too matchy-matchy and it wasn't producing the look they really wanted. We had to have a short little lesson with them on "unmatching" fabrics. They just couldn't envision the scrappy look. In the end we had some awesome little owls.

Here's a couple up close and personal.
Each with their own particular personality.

As one of the girls said...We are going to have the best shirts at camp.
I'm just happy that they got excited about the project and are happy with their results.
And yeah, we're going to have the best shirts at camp.
- Shirts from Michael's (or Jo-Ann's) when they go on sale. I found ours earlier in the Spring for $1.97/ea.
- Variety of cotton fabric scraps (including white for the eyes and some browns for branches)
- Black fabric marker for the eyes
- Pellon WonderUnder for $2.49/yd. from Jo-Ann's (use a coupon if you can)
NOTE: I took all the shirts home with me and topstitched the ironed on pieces. For mine and my 2 daughters' shirts that we did ahead of time to use as examples, I sewed each piece as I went along. I prefer that method. So if you have enough time or aren't trying to get 12 shirts done in about an hour and a half, I would recommend you sew each piece as you go and not try to topstitch it all down at the end.
Whooo Whooo! Enjoy your weekend!

Whooo Whooo! Enjoy your weekend!