Some time last Christmas I was talking with my mom and I was telling her how excited I was to have bought a white Christmas tree and what new decorations I was going to do with it. We then got talking about what she wanted to do to redo her tree. A number of years ago she had some ornaments that depicted the life of Christ. I remember these. She is now down to one left. She said that she wanted to have those again and I suggested that maybe over the summer we should do a Christmas in July project and make some.
Well, I'll be honest, I couldn't wait quite that long.
After we talked about it I just got too excited about the prospect of making these for her as a surprise gift.
I roped in my hubby and got his advice and then raided our wood pile for good sized logs and cut them into slices using his miter saw.

I cut the pics down using one of my scrapbook scissors that looks like torn paper.

Then I got busy Mod Podging them on.
Once they were all dry, I drilled a hole in the top for a loop of twine and then added a little ribbon for some contrast. She ended up with about 2 dozen ornaments.

In the drying stage

I gave these to my mom for her birthday earlier in March.
She was very surprised and very happy.
I was pleased with how they turned out.

Happy Birthday Mom!
Bought the picture packets from Deseret Book, but you can order them online.
- If the Savior Stood Beside Me by Greg Olsen
- Beautiful Savior by Greg Olsen
- Wood slices 1/2" thick or less. ( I like less if you can do it)
- Mod Podge at least 2 coats.
- Make sure you don't have any air bubbles 'cuz that'll make you super mad.
- Jute for hanging the ornaments
- 20 yd. spool of 5/8" ribbon cut into about 12" lengths for the bow. ($3.99 per spool--but don't forget to use a 40% off coupon.)
I'll have to get a pic of her tree later this year.
I also gave her some red bead garland that I found at the Thrift store to use along with her white lights.