Miss M. has been bugging me for quite some time about making her a full circle white taffeta-like skirt. To be quite honest, I did not want to make one at all for the following reasons: #1 I didn't want to buy anymore fabric, #2 She needs clothes like she needs a hole in the head, #3 It is totally impractical, and #4 who wants to spend time making a white item for a kid only to see it stained or ruined.
Well, the other day my kids begged me to take a little field trip to a neighborhood garage sale. They all were dying to spend their own money. So off we went with their money burning holes in their pockets. They hit the mother load and each came home with about 3-6 items each and no one paid more than $1. They were thrilled.
I was thrilled because I made a great find too. And it helped me so that I could do what M. has been wanting without it taking hardly any time, money, etc. The garage sale lady was selling a couple capes. One happened to be white taffeta. I bought all three that she had for $.25 apiece and we cut the white one down and turned it into a skirt for M. She wore it today to church.

I have to say that after I cut it down, all I did was sew up the remaining open side and add an elastic waistband. It isn't serged or anything, but she is happy and so am I. Now I don't have to try and keep putting her off about it. This is one of the reasons that she wanted a full skirt--to have full twirling around.

Here is the pink cape that we bought that is exactly the same and the white one was. This is the before shot.
You gotta love $.25 garage sale bargains.
That turned out sooo cute! And I especially love that it was such a steal!
ReplyDeleteI love the twirling myself.
ReplyDeleteSuch a great find, and good thinking to turn the cpe into a twirly skirt!!
ReplyDeleteIt looks very cute.