I made a tent for the nursery kids at church.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Kid Tent {Sesame Street Style}
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Guest Blogger: Mitered Corner Flannel Baby Blanket
Supplies needed:
1 yd. flannel for front
1 1/4 yd. contrasting flannel (for back and contrasting sides)
Finished size:
38 1/2" square With approx. 2 1/2" wide border
Cut the back fabric to 44 inches square (or whatever width your fabric may be, could be 43 or 42 depending on the selvage waste)
Cut the front fabric to 34 inches square (or 10 inches smaller than the back fabric, 33 or 32 inches, etc.)
Find the centers on all sides and use a pin to mark them.
Placing right sides together, pin the edges, matching up the center pins. Your backing fabric will be longer than your front fabric on both sides. This excess will become your contrast fabric on the front of your completed blanket.
Start by pinning two opposite sides at a time, making sure to match the center.
Start stitching 1/4 inch in from the edge of your fabric and stop 1/4 inch from the end. Sew using a 1/4 inch seam allowance.
This 1/4 inch is the corner of your miter. If you do not leave this much of the seam allowance free it will not flip through. See picture below.
Repeat the process for the two opposite remaining sides. Remember to leave an opening on one of those edges, so you can flip the entire blanket right side out.
The following pictures show what the corners look like once all the sides are sewn up.
The next step is to create the miters.
With the front fabric facing up at you, fold the corner to create a large triangle. Make sure the fabric lays flat and the fold is closest to you.
I used a straight edge with a 45º angle marking to make sure I drew a straight line at the very end of my stitching line.
(The 45º angle mark should line up along the sewn edge of the blanket. You will be drawing a line perpendicular --90º-- to the folded edge of your blanket.)
Pin, sew and trim all corners to 1/4 inch.
(Be careful not to sew over your original stitch line otherwise your miter will be puckered when you go to turn it.)The piece I cut off was at a 90º angle to the folded edge.
Flip your blanket right side out and iron the seams towards the outside edge.The mitered seam may be ironed any which way it wants to go.
Pin the two fabric together once its ironed so it won't move while you top stitch the two pieces in place.
Use whatever topstitch method or stitch you prefer. On this blanket I used a triple zigzag or multi-stitch zigzag.____________________________
According to Tiffany the first time she made one of these blankets it took her about 2 hours from start to finish. However, after the initial blanket her time was greatly reduced and she says she now can finish in about 1 hour. We love quick projects that look like we "slaved all day".
Saturday, January 23, 2010
I'm obsessed {Oliver and S}
That Liesl gets me every time.

Sorry about the lack of detail photos. These pics were more about the girls than the clothing. But I was so pleased with the tops and coordinating cousins. I'm about to do it again for Easter. Get yourself the sailboat top.....It's so EASY!
On cousin S
On my little L
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Pleated pillow cover

I just used a quilter's cotton I had in my stash . And after a major miscalculation trying to make an envelope style cover the hubby suggested the buttons. Which turned out even better.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Quilting Variations
So here are 2 different stitches that I've used on little quilts to see what kind of effect they make. Both stitches are actually stitches used for working with stretch fabrics, but they also make nice little decorative stitches on woven fabrics.
The first is this stitch--Multi-stitch Zigzag or Triple Zigzag

The second stitch was this one--Honeycomb
For sure if you are going to use the honeycomb stitch make a sample first to see if you like the look, because even on a short length this stitch is a B.E.A.S.T. to pick out!
I specifically used a contrasting thread on this quilt because I wanted to see how it would turn out. You can't really see it on the black squares or on the back. If I had thought about it more I might have used an orange/yellow thread that matched so that it would show up on all the squares. Regardless, I do like how it turned out on this little quilt.

Finished size: 41" square
Cut 6" blocks
Cut 2" sashing strips for between the squares
Cut 3" sashing strips for outer border edge
Thursday, January 14, 2010
How many is TOO many??!
Anyone else have this dilemma? Are sewing machines multiplying while you're not looking? (or other crafting items?) How many sewing machines do you have in your possession?
O.K., the answer for me is that this makes machine #7 at our house. Yikes! I sound like a hoarder.
In my defense, one is currently being used as a lamp table in my living room.

Another machine is a treadle that I bought last summer for $25 at a garage sale. I've always thought these were the coolest things. I am pretty sure it will work, after I send it to my sewing machine repairman and let him work his magic, but I haven't done that yet. So it sits down in the basement waiting for some loving care.
Then I have a serger and an embroidery machine.
So really this will only make regular sewing machine #3. (See the justification at work here?) And one of those already belongs to daughter #1. (More justification) So now daughter #2 is convinced that this machine will be hers. I'm still thinking about that as this machine does some cool things that my current machine does not (like decorative borders). Even if she gets it (and she is extremely possessive with "her things"), she isn't moving out of the house for at least another 8 years or so, so we should be fine "sharing" until then.
I have to say when I went and dropped the machine off at the fabric store for my favorite repairman to clean it and adjust the tension (which as far as I can tell is the only thing wrong with it) the lady working there admitted that she, too, had 7 machines--because in her words, "you need to have one handy if one of the others are getting serviced, and so that others can sew along with you at your house without having to haul their machines around." I guess I'll be in good company. Can't wait to play with it tomorrow after I pick it up.
Friday, January 8, 2010
WIPs in January
These are 3 projects I am either working on or started here recently. I really wish my brain would let me just focus on one thing at a time, but I really can't seem to do that.