I had also made some wooden plaque ornaments of Christ's names that apparently I never posted about. Just recently I made another set (28 total) that will eventually be gifted out.

I "distressed" the edges a bit just by using some brown ink and a cottonball to smudge on the edges of the papers before I did the Mod Podge. I really am happy with the wood grain paper I found in the scrapbook section at Michael's.
In the meantime I've also added some ornaments for my own Christ themed tree.
Besides the Names of Christ plaques I made this year attributes of Christ wooden plaque ornaments.

I added them to our tree this year.
I don't really have a theme going on this year, but felt that I could use the reminders myself of trying to be more Christ-like.

Here's my crafting helper re-drilling out the holes after the Mod Podge.
- Original idea from HERE. Scroll way to the bottom of the link for the Names of Christ pdf.
- Used 5/64 drill bit for the holes in the wood.
- Darice Black Aluminum 14 gauge wire (or could use 16 gauge). I bought mine at Jo-Ann's and one roll of 3 yds. allowed me to cut 14 - 9" lengths. If you didn't want black wire you can find cheaper wire at any home improvement store.
- I bought my 5 gallon paint sticks at Wal-Mart $.37/ea. The freebie ones at Home Deport were too narrow for the printout. You can get 4 plaques from each stick.
- Matte finish Mod Podge--2 coats on the front only
- Scrapbook paper in whatever color and style to you prefer. I did copy some onto a bit more busy looking paper and I felt it distracted from the words and names.