Sunday, August 31, 2008
Lowes "Creative Ideas" Magazine
Happy Home Improvement Dreaming to You, too!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Black Apple Dolls
My review of this doll pattern:
It's the best! I highly recommend it to anyone. So easy and quick (my favorite kind of project). This is a great way to use up your scrap fabric which I think is a huge bonus. I only had to purchase the felt.

I like this one too.

*****And I will be painting faces as soon as I purchase fabric paint.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Dress opinion...the rest of the story
Well, I was completely ready to make another dress pattern, go buy more fabric and start completely over. However, when I went back to Wal-Mart that piece was GONE!!!! I had even seen some other color combos of that same type fabric and they were gone too. So even though I was going to be brave and do a dress, I now have to salvage my old dress and settle for only a skirt.
I'll be fine with it and just use that second dress pattern with some other fabric down the road. I think I want to make it in that black and white combo on the pattern envelope. I really do like it. I'll add a black top to my new skirt and it should be a great little outfit. The top I am going to try is either Butterick 6085 view D or Simplicity 4487 view C or F. I found some nice black rayon type fabric that should look really good.
So thanks to everyone for your opinion. I'll post pics when I actually finish the top. A couple more days for us and the kids are back to school. Hallelujah!! Maybe I can finish up somethings that I thought I could have already completed by now.
Monday, August 25, 2008
I'm making one

I've seen these dolls mentioned on several blogs before and I just love them. But I'm way too cheap to pay $40+ for one. Imagine how happy I was when I came across the pattern online. Sweet!! I'm not into doll making, but these are too cute and so modern that I must give it a try. L is getting one very soon. The creator was kind enough to share her pattern. Thank you, thank you!
Want to make one too? See instructions here
Wouldn't it be cute to make the doll's dress out of fabric from one of Baby L's outfits?
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Dress Opinion needed
I found this awesome knit fabric at Wal-Mart--$1/yd. and you could wad it up on the floor, leave it there for a couple days and then put it on without a wrinkle anywhere. Gotta love that! I'm just not sure what to do with it. I'm afraid that it might be too much for an entire dress for a woman who isn't 25 anymore.

McCall's 4510
I like the Black and white version view C--possibly with the sleeves from the purple dress view E.
So tell me what you think. My other option would be to just make a somewhat flared skirt, elastic waist, and pair it with a black top.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
A little mention....
See post here
{note to self: stop cutting corners on the photos posted on creative chicks blog. People actually look here. People besides my sisters and I}
Monday, August 18, 2008
Raspberry Jam and Homemade Bread
I have been accused of not sharing a secret ingredient or tip about how to make this bread, but I promise I am not holding anything back. I've tried to put down as many of the little tricks or tweaks that I do so that you can have a successful outcome.
Here is the bread recipe that I most often use:
White Wheat Bread— from Toastmaster (bread machine)
1 ½ c. warm water
2 Tbs. oil
2 tsp. lemon juice
2 tsp. salt
4 Tbs. sugar
2 Tbs. dry milk
3 c. bread flour
1 c. whole wheat flour
2 tsp. active dry yeast
Mix all together. Let raise 1 hr. Divide into loaf pans, cover, and let raise another 45 min. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
**This is a bread machine recipe, however, I do not like how the bread turns out baked in the bread machine. So if I were to make it using my bread machine I would put it on the dough setting, and once that is complete divide the loaves and put in loaf pans, cover and let raise for the 45 minutes and then bake it in the oven.
**If you have a mixer like a KitchenAid or other brand, I mix all together except for the flours in the bowl. Let the yeast activate for 10 minutes or so and then mix in the flours. I have a bread setting on my mixer that "kneads" it for about 3 minutes before I let it raise the first time.
**I usually grease my bowl with shortening before adding the bread dough. Then I put it in a warmed oven (start to preheat your oven, but turn it off after 1 minute or less of preheating) covered with a towel to let it raise.
**I double recipe this to make 3 LARGE loaves for my family. The 7 of us can consume one loaf at one meal really easy.
**If you have stoneware loaf pans, use them. I like how it cooks better than other loaf pans.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Photo Board
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Little Girl's Eyelet Slip Extender
Our slip is not separate, but I sewed it right into the waistband. I happened to use some eyelet lace curtains that had been given to me that I wasn't going to use as curtains and then just used that fabric to make the slip. I needed to adjust the elastic waist anyway and so that is why I did this way. She is happy with how it turned out and now she can enjoy this cute embroidered skirt for the remainder of the summer.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
The Birds

I thought this would be such an easy project. And although I love it, it was a total nightmare. The birds are easy enough to sew. It's the balancing of the mobile that is a problem. Ridiculous!! I resorted to some unconventional methods and was frustrated most of the time. So take on this project knowing you need patience.
My variations:
1. Used a sewing machine instead of hand sewing the birds. I'm not sure why the tutorial suggests hand sewing. Although lovely it's totally unecessary and very time consuming
2. Used double sided tape to seal ends of tails. Did not like how sewing machine topstitch looked lazy/impatient! Seems to be holding up just fine though.
3. Used clear jewelry thread to hang. (Others have used yarn, ribbon, heavy thread)
and baby was more interested in step stool used to hang mobile.
and the corner of her room
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
My little shop....
These are some of my favorite photos.

available at MyModern
Monday, August 4, 2008
One down....

Oh these pesky needlepoints! The saga continues and I've vowed NEVER AGAIN. But I think it looks pretty cool in the mix of my collection. In a pop art sort of way. Now to tackle Pennsylvania.
Yes, I CAN!

Vegetable Soup, recipe also out of the Blue Book. My kids are not as keen about this recipe, but it is one of my personal favorites. You can also add cooked chicken chunks or browned hamburger to this if you don't want to be vegetarian. It is really good either way.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Zucchini Casserole
Zucchini Casserole
Cook in water until tender:
6 c. cubed, peeled zucchini
1/4 c. diced onions
Mix together:
1 can Cream of chicken (or mushroom) soup
1 c. sour cream
Add into above:
1 c. peeled, shredded carrots
Add all to drained zucchini and onion mixture. Mix thoroughly.
Mix in another bowl separately:
1 large pkg. herb stuffing mix (like Stove Top)
1/2 c. melted butter
Put 3/4 of the stuffing mix on the bottom of a 8x8 pan. Cover with zucchini mixture. Sprinkle remaining stuffing mix on top. Bake uncovered at 350 for 30 minutes.