Monday, August 8, 2011

Grandma's Shirts x 3

Somewhere in all the whirlwind of grandma's funeral and seeing all the relatives I volunteered to make whomever wanted a quilt out of grandma's shirts.  Three of our four aunts said they would like one.  So after I got back home and realized what I'd just committed myself to I begged recruited Renae to help me.  She is a crazy fast sewer so I knew she'd save my hiney help me big time. 

I deconstructed all the shirts and sent Renae a stack of fabric and some already cut squares.  We talked about designs and ideas, while keeping in mind that we needed them to be quick and simple.  HST's it was!  (For the record Renae made all three quilts, I just did the binding on one.)   So while all three quilts are made with the same fabrics they are all pretty different looking. 

Quilt #1
For Aunt Elaine

Quilt #2 
For Aunt Carol
Inspired by this quilt

Quilt #3
Crazy Pinwheels
For Aunt Sharon

Though it doesn't really show in these pictures each quilt is the same size, approx. 53" by 68".
Started with 6" squares, then cut into hst.

Now that these are done, Renae and I can start mulling over the making of our own "Grandma" quilts.  Again, we've been discussing different ideas, but I think we've both decided to hold off until after our kids go back to school.  Stay Tuned!

Linking up @ Quilt Story 


  1. I love same-but-different sewing. Nice job!

  2. I really like those quilts and I'm sure the aunts will, too. You and Renae did a nice job on them and I like the different patterns. Mom

  3. Some of the best gifts for Grandma that anyone can give include personalized Grandma shirts that demonstrate family pride and endless love! grandma shirts | grandma sweatshirt



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