Friday, November 4, 2011

Quilt Club Challenge Quilt #1

This quilt has a bit of a story behind it (...don't they all?).

At the beginning of summer one of the ladies in my quilt club came to club with bags of fabric for everyone!  She had decided to get rid of a bunch of her stash and in so doing had made "quilt kits" for each of us.  The catch was that all the bags were sealed in non-see through bags so that we had no idea what we were getting.   She included instructions and all the fabric needed to make a generous sized top.  We had to do the rest.

Over the course of these last few months the ladies have been bringing their finished tops (and even finished quilts!) to our monthly meetings.  Last month I was feeling a wee bit guilty that I hadn't even thought about my kit yet.  Mainly it's because the fabric is not exactly my taste.  But I came home from club and decided that I needed to stop being a what-ever-you-want-to-call-it and get to work.

So here's a little peek at my finished top:

I got an array of pink's and red's in my bag.  Again, not my favorite fabrics, but now that it's done I don't hate it.  The pattern we all used is called Turning Twenty.  It is super easy and and super fast to put together.  I think it took me less than 2 hours to put together.

Here are some of the other tops from the ladies in my club.  Again, no one had any idea what they were getting...
 This one has sort of a stained glass look to it. Lots of pale blues and greens.

Cowboy/Denim:  This one got quilted with loops and stars all over it.  It looked really cute with the fabrics!


(There were 2 more but I can't seem to find those pictures.)
Even after cutting up fabric for 11 quilt tops I'm not sure that it even made a dent in my friend's fabric stash.  Can you relate?  Irregardless of whether I like the fabrics or not, it's been a fun little project with the ladies. I've got one more challenge from them that I will show next week.

With all this "challenging" it's got me thinking.  I should give the ladies some of my scraps and see what they come up with. That would be fun wouldn't it?!  Maybe we could turn my strings into a wonky log cabin quilt.  I wonder if they can do wonky? ...Humm

Updated: You can see the finished quilt HERE.

1 comment:

  1. That actually might be more of a challenge. To get the "older" set to try wonky. Very fun idea and once again, as you've said before...there really isn't any fabrics too ugly. You just need the right combination.
