Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Green Tomato Mincemeat to Can

With all the green tomatoes that I picked off my plants a week or so ago I went ahead and made up some mincemeat to can.  Unfortunately it doesn't use up as many tomatoes as I'd like, but the rest of them I've put into paper bags to ripen them up and then can those just as tomatoes.

Green Tomato Mincemeat

6 c. chopped apples, seeded
4 c. chopped green tomatoes
5 c. raisins
3 c. sugar
1/2 c. vinegar or lemon juice
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. allspice
1 tsp. salt

Boil all together until cooked through (it will be brown). 
I cooked mine about 1 hr.

Ladle into hot, clean jars.
Hot water bath for 25 minutes.

  • This recipe makes 6 pints. 
  • This time around I canned it in 1/2 pints because that is the amount I need for my Mincemeat cookie recipe.  Thanks, Tiffany, for that heads up.
  • 2x recipe need 1 - 5# bag of apples.
  • Raisins -- a 24 oz. bag = 4 1/2 c.

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