Wednesday, November 2, 2011

WIP Wednesday--Kindergarten Handprint Quilt

I love it when your "no set plan for this quilt" comes together.  Inspirationally...after less than 24 hours.

This is the first time for me to make a handprint quilt with kindergartners and I wasn't really sure what I would do as sashing or in between.  I just knew that I had a lot of blue scraps that I would use so I made sure the paints were varying shades of blue for the handprints. 

Originally I thought I would piece 3" squares as the sashing, or even cut them down to 1 1/2" strips and piece them.  I played around with it a bit and then decided I didn't like that idea AND it would be way more work than I wanted to do.

I've also been working on the 9 patch blocks that the 5th grade class designed for their quilt when the thought came to me to make crazy 9 patch blocks in blues only to put between each handprint block.  Brilliant!!!

After a few testers I decided this was the look I was after.

  • Cut 8" blocks in white for the handprints. (22 kids in the class) 
  • Use freezer paper on each handprint block to stabilize it.
  • Tape across one edge of the block to help the kids know where to write their names.  This way the kids can't write into the area that will be sewn into the seam allowance.  Do this before the handprint.
  • We painted the palm of the kids' hands for them and then helped them print it.  They chose the color.
  • Make sure you have someone to help push their fingers and palms down as best you can to get a good print.
  • And another helper to be the handwasher. 
  • Cut 3" squares for the 9 patch blocks. (26 - 9 patch blocks = 234 - 3" squares)
  • 6 blocks across and 8 down.
I am really excited about this quilt.  My little C. wants to know if he gets to keep it, but the plan is to auction it off to raise money for the kids' school.  I may suggest a raffle on this particular quilt so I can put in too and then maybe win it back. 

Hmmm....I'll have to think about that one.

Also linked up at Freshly Pieced


  1. Oh, it's really cute! This will look very good.

  2. What a fantastic idea. Brilliant. Can I steal it? And I totally agree with your choice of 9 patch blocks over sashing - works perfectly. Am going to have to follow you to see how this turns out. :)

  3. This is going to look awesome!!!

  4. Erin--steal away. This certainly isn't anything original on my part. I think my OCD is going to kick in on this one and I'll finish it all up before all my "should be doing" projects. I'm just so excited about it.

  5. What type of paint did you use and did you treat the completed handprint squares with anything to keep from fading during laundering? If so, what and how. Or are these only for looks and not to use? My granddaughter want me to make one for my DIL with her grandchildren's prints. Thanks for any assistance on this. Your quilt is beautiful.
