Wednesday, January 26, 2011

WIP Wednesday

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

New Projects:  Started deconstructing Grandma's Shirts for a yet-to-be-determined quilt.  I think it will take some time to decide on a design. 

Finishes:  None, though I broke down and took two tops to my quilt lady for quilting.  They had been hanging around in the almost finished pile for way too long. Can't wait to get them finished up!

Progress:  Revisited my son's Star Wars Quilt, I finished the remaining blocks, worked out the layout, and have the top mostly sewn together.  His birthday is in April, so I might actually get it done in time!

Minimal Progress:  I decided on the final layout for my String Quilt and numbered all the blocks in anticipation of the monumental task of tearing away all the paper backing.

No progress on the quilt for my niece's new baby.

Starts: 1
Finishes: 0
Current WIP's: 5


  1. I can't wait to see what you do with your grandmother's shirts. What about something super simple, like a twist on a rail fence block? Happy WiP Wednesday!

  2. wow that quilt you have pictured is fantastic!! That would make a great man's quilt for MHC--where did you get that pattern?

  3. I'm just loving that square-in-squares quilt, it's beautiful. Is that one of the ones you're having quilted right now?

    Thanks for linking up, have a great week! : )

  4. What is the name of the pattern for your son's star wars quilt? Looks like a simplified log cabin but I'm sure it has a certain name. Would love to make one for one of my boys.

  5. Love the squares in the squares!! Very pretty!

    Angie -
