Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sewing With a Purpose

Here are a couple of charitable projects that I've worked on this month. If you care to join along, follow the links for more information.

My QOV blocks for amandajean. I think she has collected all the blocks that she needs, but the Quilts of Valor project is always looking for help.

Okay, I admit this one was a little sneaky. I emailed her about this project even though her deadline had passed. I was hoping that she needed more blocks and that I could get her address for the nine patch project. Luckily for me she needed my blocks. I think I ended up making 8.

While I was making them I decided I should make my own scrap quilt version of this maverick star pattern. I don't think I'll start on it until after the first of the year, but it's on my list.

Pillowcases for the Hole in the Wall Gang.

Now that I am quilting more than sewing, I only had a few large pieces of fabric left in my stash. But I thought these were well suited for kids pillowcases. I ended up sending 8.

If you are interested in helping contact Jackie. The deadline isn't until April 2010. And pillowcases are a cinch! We've made a gazillion of them. Basic directions can be found here.

Lastly, I have 2 small quilts that have remained unfinished that I'm hoping I can get quilted for Margaret's Hope Chest. I better hurry, the deadline for this one is November 15th!

Are any of you "sewing with a purpose?" I'd love to hear what you are doing! (Include links to your projects so I can take a peek.)


  1. I'd really like to do something for Margaret's Hope Chest, but I am a beginner quilter and am unsure of whether I could make a large enough quilt in time! I've been working on a few baby quilts that I plan to send to an orphanage in China that I've recently learned about!

  2. I just found your site and I LOVE it. I think it's so awesome that you sisters do this together! And, I love your ideas, your creativity, and all your fun lists of things to do.
    P.S. Good luck on the love seat. My husband and I have recovered all of our couches too. I think it so fun! and...of course a LOT of work.

  3. Em, I think you need one of those red, white and blue quilts. So pretty.

  4. One of the things that I've done in the past is to make fabric market bags for an organization that helps out impoverished communities in Mexico.

    We were going to start up a link to send bags for their trip year; however, with the H1N1 problems, the trip this upcoming Spring will not be happening.

    So next year, I may get a bag project started to help them out. They need about 300-500 market/school bags per year.

  5. I have just found your blog. I am really enjoying it. Thanks for posting about the "Hole in teh Wall gang" camp that is so awesome. I would like to make some pillowcases also.
    thanks and I'll go and email Jackie.

  6. I am new to the blogging thing andf posting pictures and I was wondering how did you get all 4 of your blocks to appear side by side and up and down like that. On my blog if I have a group of pictures they appear all out of order and shaped. Is it an editing softaware that you use for your pictures> Thanks in advnace for your help. Love the stars. I am in the process of doing whacky stars similar to yours.
