Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Baby Blanket Quartet

There are times when I can't take it anymore and I just have to finish up projects before they drive me crazy sitting there in my sewing room. Or before I start on another mad sewing binge with a different project. I reached that point recently and finally got a bunch of the baby blankets all completed. Now someone I know just needs to have a baby. Any takers!?

Lavender Squares
Black & Blue floral (love this one--so unconventionally girly)

Yellow Clown
Bandanna & Cowprint

This was also in preparation and for a bit of practice before I get serious and tackle the quilting on this project that is yet unfinished, albeit pinned and ready to go.


  1. Lovely blankets, Renae, especially the black and blue floral!

  2. Hey Renae
    That black and blue one is so super cute!!! Hint Hint......

  3. I was thinking of you actually....figuring you had got rid of all things baby....

  4. Love all the color combo's Renae! Tiffany

  5. Renae!!
    Oh my goodness THANK-YOU!!! I LOVE the quilt and yes I had gotten rid of everything so this quilt will be very used! Thanks for your thoughtfullness!
