Saturday, August 1, 2009

Swimsuit Answers

We've had a number of questions concerning swimsuits and we've tried to answer them as best we can. Here are a few more answers or hints about swimsuits.

I buy my fabric locally at Mill End Textiles. I went on their website and they specifically say they do NOT take internet orders. However, if you live in North or South Dakota, Minnesota, or Wisconsin you can locate a store near you and head their way. Love that store and their prices!

I came across this site as I was searching for something swimsuit related--Pattern School--for free patterns and how to tweak your own style of swimsuit. I haven't delved too much into that site just yet, but I am going to more thoroughly check out how she designs her suit. I really like the look of this suit--Empire tank suit. Pattern school also lists on their website where they have bought fabric online around the world and their recommendations.

You can go visit Dana and Su as they are doing a swimsuit sew along. They have a couple good hints too. Dana says she bought fabric from Spandex World. Based on what I am used to paying their prices look a bit spendy to me. But if you can't find anything you like locally then it appears they have a great selection. I did find a coupon online for Spandex world if that is something you are interested in.

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