Monday, August 3, 2009

Long time, no post....

I've decided to take on less projects and focus on the ones I really want to do. Instead of pumping out project after project (I had a phase) and multiples of the same thing (another phase) I'm going to make things that I really love. So many of the things I made 6+ months just don't have the same luster. They weren't thought out and I didn't really consider L's personality when making them.

This is one I've been wanting to finish. It's a size two. The white tee is from Target. I used scrap fabric for the yo-yo's. The skirt is made from fabric I purchased at a local quilt shop a very long time ago. I used this skirt pattern.

This was inspired by a JCrew outfit I loved, but refused to buy. Here's the JCrew version (no longer available):


  1. Very cute, Les! And I'm sure it was tons easier on your wallet, too!

  2. I love that bouncy skirt at the end. Beautiful!

  3. Did you use a pattern for the skirt at the end? It's SO cute and I love how full and bouncy it looks. If you didn't use a pattern, how did you do it? Thanks!
    jfuester AT mac DOT com

  4. Jessica, I did not make the skirt at the end. It is from JCrew. but you could easily replicate it by using a lightweight cotton like voile or something and adding a ruffle to the hem.
