Friday, July 31, 2009

Family Reunion Theme Night: Hawaiian

Night Three: Hawaiian Night

Here are a few pics from that night--first the boys doing their best Mauri warrior moves....or something like that. We made them pareos (or sarongs) out of pieces of fabric. Little Mr. P. originally told his mom, Emily, that he "wasn't wearing a skirt", but as you can see, he got into it and had a fun time. (***For adult sizes you need a 1 yd. by 2 yd. piece.)

For both my M. (not shown) and B.'s dresses (on the right) I used Simplicity 8488. Although this wasn't the original site where I saw the idea you can click here for a nice tutorial on how to attach rick rack to the bottom of a hem. I put it on the sleeve hem of B.'s dress. I really like how it turned out. The bigger girls all just had a piece of fabric to use as a pareo wrap. Mom found nice authentic Hawaiian shirts for all the men at one of her thrift stores. They live near a military base and so all the transfer guys from Hawaii must give their shirts away once they realize they "aren't in Kansas in anymore".

Emily had made little pillowcase dresses for some of the nieces so that they could match everyone else in their Hawaiian garb. (2nd and 4th from the left and the 2 little ones being held by their older cousins.)
For dinner we had Hawaiian haystacks! We didn't end up doing our limbo contest, but still had a great time with our family!

Check out our whole Fam during our day trip to The Park.


  1. That is hilarious of the boys!

  2. You did so many cute things for the reunion. It looks like you had a blast. We will have to borrow some of your ideas when we all get together.
