Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Mad Hatter {a finished quilt}

Forgive me if I'm not very wordy today.
I wrote this post last night, and when I woke up this morning to post it, there was nothing! 
I have no idea what happened...
So you get version 2.0 which won't be nearly as clever or wordy.

Today is my quilt club day! Yay!
I'm taking this for show and tell.
 It's my completed Mad Hatter Quilt.
(You can read more about it here.)

I had some issues with waviness due to the triangles being cut on the bias. 
You can see that it doesn't exactly lay flat.  
Oh,well.  It was a learning experience.  Next time I will know better.

 For the record, my husband thinks this quilt is "hideously ugly!"
And when I took it to my quilter, her husband agreed! :)
I don't think it's THAT ugly, but I can see their point. 
It's definitely not my taste or style (other than being scrappy), 
But I am choosing to think of it as "beautifully ugly!"

The border fabric is the same as the backing.
It it's previous life it was my daughter's bed sheet, 
until the day she left her mark all over it with a ball point pen.  Nice, huh?

With the addition of the border it now measures 54" by 68".  
In our house that qualifies as a small throw.

I'm sure the ladies will be happy that I've finally finished my "flower garden" quilt.  
I think they have visions of displaying them all together this summer at our town's small quilt show.
We shall see.

Until them, I will add it to the rotation of TV watching/fort making blankets.

Linking up to Quilt Story


  1. Hideous?! Really? I don't think so. I kind of like it. Just 'cuz most men can't catch the vision of the project.....

    I want to do a diamond project. But I'm leaning towards a baby blanket size for my first effort with that design.

  2. Oh, it's beautifully, loverly, quilterly fantastic! I love, love, love it! Wow!

  3. Hideously ugly? Gorgeous and I would make one like it but I don't want to do all those cuts on the bias!

  4. Making lemonade out of lemons...well done!!

  5. Ugly? He's crazy! I love it. Scrappy quilts are my favorite! Very authentic!

  6. Say what? I like it. I'd love to make a diamond quilt like this.

    P.S. Would you please consider disabling your word verification?

  7. Wow... I don't think it's ugly at all! lol Must be a man thing. ;o)

  8. Nice! I love the impact that the diamonds have.
