Friday, February 17, 2012

Class Quilt--5th Grade 2012

Happy day!  I finished the last class quilt for this school year.
And just in time.  Next weekend is the auction.

The kids did a great job on their blocks.  Some did more than one and some others, mostly boys, only wanted to do one.  But hey, we got at least one from everyone.  And even though I would've preferred it to be 6 across by 7 down I still think this will be large enough to use and stay toasty. 
It'll certainly hide my 6' 2" body.

Finished measurements:  53" wide by 76" long
Cut 3" blocks to make the 9 patches.
5 blocks across and 7 down for a total of 35 - 9 patch blocks.
3" white strips for the sashing and border.
Thrifted plaid sheet for the backing.
Solid yellow for binding (By the way love this method of attaching binding)

This morning I'll head to school to take a picture of the entire class with their creation.

I have to say that I got smarter this time around and cut out the strip piece for the kids to sign their name.  Instead of going back to class one day after the quilt top was completely put together, I just had them sign a strip(s) when they were putting their block(s) together.  It worked out great.  So they will be surprised when we go take pics.  They haven't yet seen the quilt assembled in any form.

I also linked up over at Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish It Up Friday.

More Class Quilts:


  1. The kids did such an awesome job! Good luck on the auction!

  2. Another cute one! I like it with the kis' names a little bigger. :)

  3. This is really cool! I love the names on the quilt.

  4. Great quilt! I bet the bids will be high! :)

  5. Oh, how cute! Good luck with the auction!

  6. I love it! What a great idea for the class to do!
