Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Amazing Technicolor Dream Quilt {Strings}

I started this quilt clear back in Aug. 2010.  After almost a year, there isn't much else I can say about it that hasn't already been said before.  But just so you know, I took 25 pictures of this quilt yesterday.  It'd be safe to say that I really, really like it!  

With such a wide range of fabrics and colors the only fitting name was one paying homage to Joseph (The Musical).  I chose "The Amazing Technicolor Dream Quilt" over "The Quilt of Many Colors."  :)

It's a big one, measuring 64" by 80".  

 For the quilting I wanted it pretty simple so as not to distract too much from the main design of the quilt.  I think my long-arm quilter did a great job with that.

The binding is leftovers from this and this quilt.

 As my kids now take it over, I'd just like to thank all of you who have given me kind words of encouragement as I've worked on this quilt.  It's been a doozy! Fun and very satisfying, but a doozy!

I'm linking up to Sew Modern Monday

Block size 8.5 inches before sewing -- total of 80. 
Strings were random, non-uniform sizes.
White sashing was 1.5 inches before sewing.
Make your own using this tutorial.  If I could offer one piece of advice it would be to number your blocks with painters tape AND put an "up" arrow on it so as not to get confused with the direction of the blocks as you sew them together.  It worked like a charm for me. 
String Quilts on Flickr.


  1. It's beautiful! So glad you got it finished.

  2. I love the name! It is perfect for your amazing quilt!

  3. Lovely! I would love to make a string quilt one of these days...

  4. THIS IS BEAUTIFUL! :) I love it! Thanks for linking up to {Sew} Modern Monday and have a great week!

  5. So pretty. Love that your kids like it too! Looks cozy. :)
