Wednesday, October 13, 2010

His + Hers {Part Two}

Finally, His + Hers are reunited! 

His is decidedly different than {Hers}
I started with the backing fabric (cotton yardage from his favorite NBA team) and went from there. 

For the front I decided to use solids in the team colors.

I came up with this simple Solid Squares design. 
It's not original, I'm sure you've seen many a quilt designed like it before in blogland. 
But I like it in solids nonetheless.
Simple and masculine.

For the quilting I did lots of straight lines. 

After taking a spin through the washer/dryer, it's ready to go to it's new home.
I just need to decide if I'm going to give it to him now or save it for Christmas...

Finished measurements:  45" by 60"
It didn't need to be huge. My FIL likes to watch the games in his recliner with a blanket on his legs.  This should be just right. 

Like {Hers} I made a label for the back and had all my kids sign it and write a note. 

Pattern details/instructions HERE.

*All solids came from JoAnn's.  They are Country Classics:  Navy, Cornflower, Charcoal Grey, White, Orange, and Purple. The sashing is Kona Ash.  It might be my new favorite neutral. 
* has a good selection of NBA team cottons. This is a great way to get fabric if you live far away from your team. Use your 50% off coupon and you could get it for a bargain. (This is how I got mine!)
*Check out the NBA quilt made by Oh, Fransson! She used a vintage sheet for her backing. I LOVE this one!

Anyone else made an NBA themed quilt?  I'd love to see it!  Leave a link...

P.S.--This quilt, same design/different colors can be found here.


  1. I think that turned out really great. I'm sure Dick will love it. If not you can always sell it to any of the Evans clan--I'm sure Daniel would take it in a heartbeat.

    I love the solids.

  2. Wonderful quilts. The colors are bold without being glaring- a great guys quilt!!

  3. That is one lucky FIL. It's beautiful!

  4. This is an awesome manly quilt, great job! Happy Fabric Tuesday!

  5. Nice! And it's definitely manly. I'm sure he'll appreciate it. I love that it is still loyal to his team without being obnoxious, kwim? It looks great! Thanks for linking up, we'll see you next week!
