Thursday, May 14, 2009

Bird Skirt Done Three Ways

Leslie and I bought a bunch of this bird fabric at JoAnn's during the winter. It was a great find since we used our 50% off coupon. I think I ended up with 2.5 yards. In the begining I had a dress in mind for the 7 year old and a skirt in mind for me. The dress never happened. Instead I opted to do skirts for all of us.

For the Little Girl

Simplicity 6398 -- Basic Baby Skirt

For the Tween Girl

Butterick 4722

For Me

Butterick 5043 (I just saw that this one is out of print--Dang!!)
Leslie's Summer Staple skirt ~ I just cut it shorter and added a border

I'm on the prowl for something green to wear with my skirt {shoes or a sweater} but I'd even settle for a green bag! How cute would that be?!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love yours with that black border!
    It looks great!

  3. these look really great. i love the fabric. i never seem to find such great finds at joanne's.

  4. K looks like she is really into her posing. :)

  5. What a fun medley. Really cute. I think I like yours best :)

  6. Really good job. Not too matchy-matchy but united. Isn't that our goal?

  7. love the adult skirt and that material! so cute

  8. salt water shoes would look adorable with those skirts, but the only green is lime. my canary yellow one's sure would look good... (maybe a trip to joann's is in order)
