Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Easter Dress

This is A LOT late, but here is the dress I made for S. I originally envisioned it with a cardigan, but Em tried it and it was way too bulky.

I used Butterick 4503 and just extended it to make it a dress instead of a top. For me this dress is a little long and I could have gone with 7 ruffles instead of 8.

Here's a view showing the length on her.

If you decide to make the top shown on the pattern cover....add one ruffle. It's waaaay too short! You can't tell from the model, but it's a crop top if you follow the pattern instructions. Eeeee! Some other issues we realized after I passed the dress off to Emily is that two year olds like to pull the ribbon ties out.


  1. She is a riot!
    Love the ruffles

  2. Thanks again, Les! Now we need to get Miss L's done!

  3. Oh MY! It's my favorite color, it's got ruffles...it's absolutely perfect. Beautiful Leslie.

  4. Very pretty. I take my hat off to you, I'm trying to gear myself up to sew a dress with just one ruffle on it for my daughter.

  5. This is the preschool version of the bandaid dress. LOL So cute!

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  7. Awesome! I just saw a dress like that on the Old Navy site today and was thinking I should attempt making one instead for my little princess. Thanks for the tips! So excited to get started!

  8. any mom who has a little girl would not be able to resist this dress!
