Monday, February 9, 2009

Birthday Surprise

Happy belated Birthday to Leslie!!
Her Birthday was on Saturday.

I knew that she'd be spending her birthday with her family, but they were all coming to my house for Sunday dinner. We had agreed a few weeks back that instead of her making L a quilt, we'd rather just do a trade and I would make the quilt and she'd make some clothes for my girls. (I still think I got the better end of that deal...)

So on Sunday when I gave her her present, I also included the quilt--finished and ready to go! She was super excited, and I was happy to give her that little surprise!

I've been doing well, so far, on keeping gifts a surprise, though it's been hard. I wanted to pick up the phone numerous times this week and tell her how cute the quilt was turning out! I resisted...and I'm so glad I did! I just love surprises!

The other part of the surprise was that I made L a doll quilt to go along with her baby quilt. I have gone a bit doll quilt crazy since making the one for the giveaway and have now decided that I should make some sort of doll version of all the quilts I make. How cute would that be?! I can use them for the quilt wall! We'll see if I actually do it, but in my head it is a great idea!

I've got to give credit to Leslie, though, she picked out some beautiful fabrics and wasn't too picky with what she wanted. That's a combination that's pretty easy to please!

Lastly, I am happy to report that I have now figured out how to properly hand sew on a binding and have it look good! I might even venture to say that I don't hate hand sewing anymore...well, I almost don't hate it!

So, again, Happy Birthday Leslie! We all love you and are glad you are our sister! (And I'm glad you loved your gifts! It was well worth the biting of the tongue this week!)


  1. happy birthday leslie!!!

    great gift!!!

  2. That turned out so cute--makes me wish I lived a bit closer so I could make some quilting swaps too.

    Hope you had a fun bday weekend.
    Love ya,

  3. Emily, did you quilt it on your regular sewing machine? Tiffany

  4. Hand sewing, Ugh! I will forever topstitch my bindings, I'm sure. If I had to make myself hand stitch the binding I'm sure I'd never finish a quilt! :)

  5. Emily, you are very clever with your quilting. What a nice present!

  6. This is beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing - what great sisters!

  7. I know that there is a link here somewhere for the doll pillow, could you kindly help me find the way?

  8. The directions I used are at:

    Happy creating!

  9. Hi, love your blog. Also the idea of a doll quilt for evey full size quilt is great. I am a new sewer/ goal is a full size gor every tiny one. As my projects keeo getting smaller and smaller.
