Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Blushing Squares {A Finished Quilt}

The weather is wrecking havoc on my picture-taking these days.  We are finishing up an entire month of  hazy, snowy, cold January weather, which doesn't look to be changing any time soon.  I've been holding off taking pictures of my finished projects because they all turn out "blue" and weird-looking.  But it turns out that if I don't have any pictures, then I can't blog.

So, with the wind howling and the snow falling around me, today I am showing my "blue" weird-looking photos.  Hope you'll not be too critical. 

Without further ado, here is my finished Blushing Squares quilt.  
 It's been done since early December.

You'll have to click on this post to see it in all it's pre-winter prettiness.  I wanted you to see the light-colored border around each block but our yucky weather is not picking up any of the color details very well.  Boo!

 Once again, Lynn's quilting is amazing.
I gave her free reign and she did not disappoint.

 I had planned on using the remainder of the awesome bold pink stripe sheet that I used here for the back, but in the end used this (sorry, you can't really see it) tiny pink gingham sheet instead.  The other one would've required me to piece the back and I wasn't really in the mood.  Sometimes our choices are between two equally good things, huh?

The binding is some Amy Butler coriander that I reclaimed from a project of Leslie's wwaaayyyy back in the day. I'm not ashamed to admit that I totally cut up her skirt and used the fabric.  It was still in perfect shape!  Thanks, Les.

As for the recipient, originally I thought I might sell it, but a certain someone I know and love is having a girl in early summer, so I think I'll save it for her.  Can I get a cheer for baby gifts being done early?!  Hooray!

Hope your city is less "blue" than mine today!

Previous posts about this quilt are Here and Here.  Seems I've been working on this quilt for a very long time...


  1. Very cute quilt. I started my first one about 6 years ago. Did a great job, even with applique. The one thing I haven't been adventurous about is doing the stippling. Too scared I'll mess up all that beautiful work! With all your snow and dreary days, it makes me think you are somewhere up North? I'm in NY state (upstate) and we have the same type of weather. Although I have to say, I'm pretty happy we got rain yesterday and have 60 today because it melted the slick ice! Back to snow for the rest of the week though.

  2. Very cute! It is nice to get baby gifts finished early.

    We are very gray over here too. But no snow, just rain, rain, rain!

  3. Very pretty quilt. It is always wonderful to finish a gift early!

  4. love the soft pinks, what a beautiful gift!
