Friday, December 14, 2012

Red Rail Fence Quilt

While the Pink Version of this quilt was given away to a friend, I am keeping the red version for us.

For my version I didn't use any sashing between the blocks--just a slightly different look than the pink quilt.

My 11 yr. old son helped me arrange the blocks and get it so that none of the strips were touching another strip of that same fabric.  It was like solving a puzzle.  We finally got it down to one last block and it just wasn't working.  I even had 2 extras made and none of them would work.

He finally said to me, "Why don't you take this one piece off and just sew a different piece to this end?"
Voila! problem solved.
This is why 2 heads are better than one.

And then he says to me, "Since I helped you can I have some chips?"
Boys....they are pretty easy to please.

Here's me in "action".
Not sure which kid took this and when, 
but I found it as I was loading the other pics for this quilt.

I really love the back--almost a bit more than the front.  That bird print just makes me happy.
And daughter #3 wants a skirt from it.  Not sure it will happen for Christmas, but....

  • Fabric from my scrap bag bundle bought at the thrift store.
  • Finished size: 60 x 72 inches
  • Rail fence pattern--cut 2 1/2 inch by 12 1/2 inch strips of various scrap fabrics.
  • Sewn in strips of 6 for 12 1/2 inch finished block
  • 5 blocks across by 6 blocks down.
  • Machine quilted by Lynn.
**You can check out another version here too in yellow and grey that Emily made for our sister-in-law.  She also has the tutorial listed on that post.

Linked up over at CrazyMomQuilts


  1. Wow, I really like that quilt. It is bright and cheerful and a very good size for most people. Quilts are the best! M

  2. I really like it! I am partial to red but have never done a quilt with all reds. My 11 year old son loves to help me in the sewing room too!

  3. Oh! I LOVE that backing fabric!

  4. simple but really effective. Gorgeous :D

  5. I love red! This is a great quilt. I'm going to pin it and add it to my list of someday projects. Beautiful job!

  6. Wow!! I love it! And I love that you had help, it was the least you could do to let him eat chips LOL - Nice job!!

  7. Gosh you crank quilts out so fast! You've given me to many ideas. Now it will be hard to decide which one to make. Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. Absolutely beautiful! Do you mind if people copy your work, because I would love to do one for a doctor's wife. Her favorite color is red. I was going to do a 3 rail fence but I love the 6 rail look. I am new at quilting and this looks easy enough.

    1. Go right ahead. Nothing special or fancy about these quilt blocks. Super easy to put together and then assemble. I think that is what is so great about looks like you've stressed over it a long time when you really haven't.

  9. Renae,
    Sorry to bother you but I have a concern about material. I see you do a lot of quilts and thought you might have an answer. I bought some really pretty reds from Walmart that I wanted to use for the rail fence. I just read a post some place that said material from Walmart is not good for quilts. Do you have any suggestions or feedback, after I just purchased and washed 15 yards of material. Thanks for your input-i value your opinion. Nash

    1. I should start out by saying that some of the pieces that I used in this quilt were not super thick, good quality quilt fabric (per the quilting Nazis, if you know what I mean). Unless it just seems super thin and loosely woven, I'm not sure I would worry about it too much. Since you've already washed it, you should have a better idea of what the fabric is going to do.

      Wal-mart may not have the best quilting fabric (the ones here locally don't carry fabric anymore) but with that being said, I've bought some great pieces there in the past. It will also depend on how it is quilted. This quilt has a nice loopy all over quilted pattern so it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

      And then it may depend on how much use you think it will be get. If you are worried then I would just suggest some tighter quilting pattern.

      Not sure this is the answer you are looking for. You will probably just have to be the judge but I think that Emily would agree that you don't have to use designer quilt fabrics to get a good end result.

    2. I should start out by saying that some of the pieces that I used in this quilt were not super thick, good quality quilt fabric (per the quilting Nazis, if you know what I mean). Unless it just seems super thin and loosely woven, I'm not sure I would worry about it too much. Since you've already washed it, you should have a better idea of what the fabric is going to do.

      Wal-mart may not have the best quilting fabric (the ones here locally don't carry fabric anymore) but with that being said, I've bought some great pieces there in the past. It will also depend on how it is quilted. This quilt has a nice loopy all over quilted pattern so it shouldn't be too much of an issue.

      And then it may depend on how much use you think it will be get. If you are worried then I would just suggest some tighter quilting pattern.

      Not sure this is the answer you are looking for. You will probably just have to be the judge but I think that Emily would agree that you don't have to use designer quilt fabrics to get a good end result.

  10. Renae
    Thank you! You set my mind at ease. I had already pulled out a few that I thought were a bit thin in weight. I can't wait to get started! Thanks again!
