Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bee Vintage Blocks for July {Sawtooth Star}

Thanks to the Vintage Sheet Patchwork Swap, I have joined my first virtual quilting bee. We call ourselves Bee Vintage and we are making blocks using our vintage sheet stashes.

July was the start of the swap. I got brave and decided to be first. For my block I chose the Sawtooth Star Block. (Instructions are here.) Because the blocks finish at a small 8 inches I had to make some extra blocks to get my quilt to the right size.

Here are the ones I made up.

I've said before how much I like scrap-looking quilts. This one will be no different. As you can see I'm kind of all over the place with fabrics, but when I laid them out together it didn't look nearly as chaotic as these picture appears.

Bee Vintage Group 2 is making string blocks for July. Go check theirs out, too. I'm pretty sure that someone in my group is going to chose that style when it's their month so I am already collecting my "strings" in anticipation.


  1. I love the way those turned out. The material you picked looks awesome. I think my favorites are the top two. But they all look really nice and very vintage!

  2. So glad to hear you're saving your strings... I've decided that is the way to go when it's my month. Still deciding on a solid to go with them, though... :)

    Your blue block is just stunning!

  3. These will look so fun when put all together. I think these stars were a great choice.
