Monday, May 24, 2010

Vintage Loveliness

My package arrived over the weekend from the Vintage Sheet Patchwork Swap on Flickr.

Check out all the loveliness I received! I'm real happy with the quality of the sheets and all the beautiful prints everyone sent in. Out of 65 FQ's I only got 6 that I didn't care for. I'd say thats not bad.

I've already got some ideas brewing in my head for these...

and these!

In other news, today it is snowing in my area! Can you believe it? Neither can I! The only good thing about it, is that I am having another marathon day of canning beans today and snow makes it a little easier to get in the canning mood.

In case you are wondering I'm doing red beans and white beans today. I use my red beans for chili and taco soup and my white beans for white chicken chili. I'd sure like to expand my repertoire so if anyone has a good bean recipe, please share!


  1. You need to make the chili from the Ball book. That way you can just dump that and the beans and heat them up.


    This is my FAVORITE recipe. I used to only use kidney beans, until I tried it with one jar of kidney beans and one jar of black. So many colors in this soup! 2 of my kids even like it!
    (and the 2 that don't will eat the beans out of their bowls).

    I omit garlic and double the noodles.
