Friday, May 21, 2010

Blogger's Quilt Festival

I'm showing my husband's Alumni Plain Spoken Quilt for this year's Blogger's Quilt Festival. It was my gift to him for his college graduation~only 12 years later!

(I just realized that my entry from last year was also a special celebration quilt. I see a theme brewing for me!)

I looked around for a very looonng time trying to find a truly "manly" design for him. When I came across this quilt, it was perfect in every way!! I worked on his Aggie version for months without him knowing a thing. He was totally shocked and surprised when I gave it to him for Christmas last year.

The quilting was a scary challenge for me. I don't own a quilting machine, per se, so I squished and tucked and pulled that bad boy into my little non-quilting machine. I can't tell you how happy I am with how the quilting turned out, though! I know there are flaws, but it looks exactly how I had envisioned--maybe even better!

I pretty much love everything about this quilt, even the simple scrap binding and the polka dot backing! It now lives in our tv room where my husband and I can snuggle up in it while we watch tv.

Go check out all the Blogger's Quilt Festival entries on Flickr.


  1. I love scrappy bindings. You have given me a good idea on what to make for my son. I keep telling him I'll make him a quilt, but my excuse has been finding one that would work for a young man of almost 14. This one would be perfect!

  2. This is still one of my favorite's of yours. Probably because the design is crossing over into my modern world. ;)

  3. I love the quilting on this one. I'm going to give it a try! I do my quilting on my machine too. Sometimes that middle gets pretty cramped, but somehow it works out. The really big ones, I still send out, but I'm saving lots of money for more fabric by quilting my own smaller ones!

  4. That is fabulous, I love the colors! I do most of my quilting by hand, since it's hard for me to manouver large quilts on my sewing machine, so great job to you!!

  5. Love the modern look of this one!

  6. Very much good work!
    Congratulations the beautiful quilt

  7. I've only done hand quilting before, and would love to learn how to machine do you make it look so regular?

  8. Love the modern look!


  9. Wonderful quilt! Your quilting is really fabulous. It so accentuates the overall design.

  10. What a great quilt! I love the colors and the quilting - great job :)

  11. this quilt is amazing. i love it!

  12. That is a great "man quilt" pattern! It looks fantastic!

  13. Let me just say, "Your husband is one lucky guy!" Your quilt is absolutely stunning!

  14. Great manly quilt and the quilting is perfect!

  15. beau travail très réussi félicitations

  16. Such a beautiful quilt - and the quilting looks fantabulous!

  17. I love the initial at the bottom! I'm making this for some friends as a wedding gift - I may have to steal that idea!

  18. Very manly quilt! And the quilting looks fantastic!!

  19. I love it! Beautiful colors, fantastic quilting, and fun pattern. Great job!

  20. I really like your quilt. I especially like that you quilted it yourself on your non-quilting machine! Really, isn't that how it used to be done? Quilts were quilted on unsophisticated sewing machines for DECADES before the invention of the wonderful longarm machines. I have done many of mine on my own little machine, too. Congrats to you!

  21. Bold design. You did a great job.


  22. The quilt is really cool! Especially like that you went with the machine you owned. And the big "A"... Liked that too!

  23. That is a fantastic man's quilt. They are few and far between. Great fabric choices.

  24. oh i love this quilt! so manly and modern - good job:)

  25. Love the blues-looks like Logan Aggies? Funny the prior comment is that it looks modern and I was going to mention the vintage c.1910feel.
    Come see my antique quilt entries

  26. Best "Plain Spoken" I've seen yet -- and I've been working on one! Love those blues!

  27. That's a beautiful quilt - and I think it's perfect for a man's quilt. Great colour choices, and the quilting compliments the design wonderfully. Thanks for sharing!

  28. It's a super quilt, I love it.

  29. Sometimes we can love a quilt so much we hate to give it away. This is a beauty!

  30. I see you are using a Brother SE 270D for your quilting. Even though I have other machines that cost more, I love that machine and use it a lot.

    The quilt is fabulous! It looks great for snuggling.
