Monday, October 12, 2009

One a Day Quilt Along and a Plea for Help

I finished my nine patch quilt top from amandajean's one a day quilt along. (Her two finished ones are here and here. Directions here.) Most of my blocks were done before we moved this summer, but I needed to finish up the rest and add the sashing. I am SO HAPPY to have this one done. It really makes me happy to look at it. I was a wee bit skeptical when I was putting all my blocks together that it would look like a jumbled mess of ugly fabrics, but white sashing makes the world a better place, don't you think?!

Lots of pretty fabrics in there, lots of reminders from other projects, lots of fabrics!!! I am slightly embarrassed to say that there are no 2 fabrics that are alike on the whole quilt. That means I have more than 126 different fabrics in my sewing room (or maybe...more!). Granted, most are smaller scraps, but still...that's a whole lotta fabrics. But, somewhere a pioneer woman is smiling down on my use of so many random fabrics together, right?

(A few of my favorite blocks)

I did a slight variation to the directions. Instead of 2.5 inch squares, mine started out 3 inches (I was using my 6 inch square stash and couldn't justify all that re-cutting). Because I didn't follow the directions that meant I didn't need quite as many blocks. I ended up with 63. It measures 67" by 86" before the scrap border. This one is H-U-G-E for me!! Because it is already so big, I am putting the scrap border on the back like this. (That's the advantage to being late to the party, you get to copy other people's great ideas.) Hopefully I can get this one quilted before I die...Wish me luck!!

Also, did anyone notice that amandajean said she was wanting to make a THIRD quilt like this so her and her sisters could all have one, but felt like she didn't have it in her to do it again? I personally think that all the people that love and appreciate her quilting knowledge and inspirations should band together to help her out. Wouldn't it be cool to send her 70 completed 9-patches so she could make that third one? I'm sure she'd never ask for others to make her blocks, so I'm doing it for her!! Who's with me?? Leave me a comment if you're in--all you need is one finished 9 patch (Use 2.5" squares like her directions--not my 3" ones) and we'll make her mailbox a happy place! Spread the word!


  1. I'm in! Sounds like fun. Here's my email address so you can send me a mailing address:

  2. That's a great idea! I'm in. :-)
    mcghol at

  3. very cool idea. are you using three inch squares?

  4. Use 2.5 inch squares, Please! :)

  5. Sounds like a GREAT plan! You are a genius! amelialoveskat(at)yahoo(dot)com

  6. Yes! I would love to! What a great idea. You are so smart!!! My email address is on my "about me" page if you need it. Thanks!

  7. I would love to help Amandajean! Let me know where to send the block.

  8. I haven't touched my sewing machine in months, I'm in!! My email is cwps29 (at) yahoo (dot) ca (it's also on my blogger profile)When would you like them for??

  9. I've got scraps--I'll do one and send in the box with all the other stuff I hope to be sending to you by the end of this week.

  10. Count me in. I already have her address from the quilts of valor project.

    Thanks for thinking of this.

    Denise Boyle

  11. i would love to do that for her!!! i am in...just let us know where to send them!!!

    i can be reached at

  12. Count me in. Just need to know where to send the 9-patch to (I can easily send more than 1).

  13. I'm not sure if I gave you my e-mail address for Amandajean's quilt squares--oops!

    You can reach me at I am happy to send a couple of blocks right away--I'm working on them today!

  14. MOLLY

    I can't get you email to work. Will you email me first please! :)
    Thank you!!!

  15. Okay. I have some. Let me know where and when.

  16. I'd love to send a block or 2. Let me know where to send them.


  17. I'd love to send a block or 3. Just let me know where to send them.


  18. You don't have to go as far back as a pioneer woman to get someone to smile on your thrifty use of 126 different scraps...and of course the sashing does make it all come together.

  19. you are so very sweet to set this up! thanks a bunch! i'm starting to receive them and i am OVERWHELMED in the best possible way. thanks for sending so many quilts of valor blocks, too! i'm nearly at the number of blocks that i need. woo-hoo! seriously, i can not thank you enough! xoxoxox
