Friday, October 9, 2009

For Christine

This quilt is a commission for Christine. It is for her new baby girl. She's decorating her nursery in a French country, shabby chic sorta way. Her main fabrics are the red gingham and a yellow toile with lots of white eyelet.

I used the old standby kidz quiltz design, only bigger. This one measures 48" by 60". It should be big enough that when her little girl grows up, it will grow with her.

(Matching Doll Quilt)

It took me awhile to find a quality piece of red gingham. Who knew there were so many 'cheap' (not in a good way!) ginghams around. I searched high and low before finding this Michael Miller piece that was suitable to use.

In the end it worked wonderful! And who doesn't love a gingham binding?!

(Christine's baby came a bit early, so her quilt arrived just in the nick of time. Congrats!)


  1. Beautiful! I am green with envy at your talent.

  2. Would love to see it in it's setting because I personally think it's going to look gorgeous.
