Saturday, March 28, 2009

Good News

The good thing about having morning sickness is the only project I have had any energy to work on is that pesky needlepoint. Over the last month I finally finished Pennsylvania. I think it is safe to say I will NEVER ever needlepoint again. Never!!!! I've decided to file this project under very "dumb ideas". Even still..... I think it looks really great on my wall.

**if you are crazy enough to start one check out the original inspiration here


  1. My love (and envy) for your decor style continues to grow. It's a great addition to your wall.

  2. Even though you consider this a "really dumb" project it turned out AWESOME!! Glad you got it done, even if it took morning sickness to do it.

  3. I'm not sure it is a "dumb" idea. It may be more like a "time and a season" idea. Right idea, but wrong season for you at the moment.

  4. i love it! it looks great - as always.

  5. I like how it turned out! I bet you are glad it's finished!!

  6. well, at least you got it out of your system. AND you finished it. that's pretty impressive. :)
