Monday, March 23, 2009

"Fabulous At Forty" Quilt

Finally!! I can show you where I've been focusing all my hard work lately. We've been planning Shauna's Birthday for at least 2 months, so I figured that gave me plenty of time to make her a quilt.

I decided to make it like Amanda Jean's Flea Market Fancy Quilts. It was a very simple design that was easy to assemble and came together pretty quickly. I love how it turned out! I think the fabrics are very cheery and happy looking!

What matters most, though, is that Shauna loved it, too!

A Simple Back

A closer look at the beautiful fabrics!
(Heather Bailey's Pop Garden and a few other odds and ends)

I did simple straight quilting around the squares which made the back look cool, too.

(Directions and measurements for this quilt can be found here.)


  1. It really is much prettier too in person. She did a great job.

  2. That is beautiful! Question: how did you do the personal note square? I found the Quilters Label paper for your computer, but have been dying to find something like this!

  3. I've been using this method for labeling my quilts:

  4. Love it! The colors are fabulous and the personal label is such a nice touch. I'm thinking of 100 years from now when its handed down to a great granddaughter, she will love knowing who made it and for whom. Tiffany

  5. This is a beautiful quilt! My mom quilts and I am just getting up the nerve to start some doll quilts. I am finding so many awesome quilts online that I can't wait to make! I really like the personal label!! I am thinking that I will use that on quilts that I make! (Whenever I finally start making them...)
