Friday, October 31, 2008

Scrappy Halloween Quilt

Back at the beginning of October I decided to "see what I could come with" using my meager stash of Halloween scraps. I used this Disappearing Nine Patch tutorial for my squares. I cruised through the initial assembly, but then stalled when trying to figure out what to use for the sashing and the back of the quilt.

I decided to use black, since it is a Halloween quilt after all! I think the black did a good job of making it look put together and helping to tone down the randomness.

By the way, this quilt turned out WAY bigger than I had imagined (measuring 52" by 70" ). I was hoping for a little lap quilt to throw over a chair during October. What I ended up with was a rather LARGE throw.
I have no idea how I'll ever quilt this thing with my beginning quilting skills. Hopefully by next October I can get that figured out. This trick-or-treater fabric is my favorite scrap on the front.

I'm feeling lucky that I found this fabric for the back that pulls all this crazy randomness together. It's probably my favorite part!
EDITED: See the finished quilt HERE!

And finally, I finished the binding on my Fabric Wall Mini Quilt. I am very pleased with my final results. And my mitred corners turned out great!

I could use some work on my hand sewing for the back of the binding, though. Truth be told, when I was growing up, I always had my mom to do all the hand sewing on my clothes. I guess I should've done some more practicing when I had the chance. Sorry, Mom!

Here it is hanging in my sewing room!


  1. I love that quilt! I need to try that since I have a lot of scraps laying around. :)--ash

  2. The black was a great choice in between. better than white.

  3. Love the little trick-or-treater print. I think it looks great. I really like that pattern too.

  4. The quilttop is great, I like that pattern very much. The thin black sashing calms it down beautifully :-)

  5. I love your color-wheel quilt. I saw the post about it and it does look nicer with the white sashing. I really need to make a little quilt for the wall in my sewing room! I certainly have lots of little bits... and it would be so quick to finish!

  6. LOVE the Halloween quilt! You should start selling these. And the black is great.

  7. Cutearama!!! I love it aunt Em

