Thursday, February 6, 2014

Class Quilts 2014

Well, this may be my last year to put together class quilts with my kids and their classmates.  I've been doing it over the years to help with the school's annual fundraiser for the Spanish speaking T.A.s.  Since we plan on moving before the beginning of the next school year this may be it for this particular project.

I tried to change it up a bit this year with a different-ish block pattern that I haven't done before with the kids. I am pleased with the results.

1st grade quilt--with the corner blocks made by my youngest two.

5th grade quilt

Doing their best to look good.

And how 5th graders really act at the end of the day....

A couple close ups of the blocks and the quilting

Back and binding of the 5th grade quilt.

Bonus for me--I thought the auction was in February and have been hustling a bit to get them completed.  But it is going to be in April this year.  Woohoo! I am ahead of the game.  And I just dropped them off at school this morning.  Forgot to measure them before doing that, but they are large enough to cover me up.

Great job kids!  Thanks for all your creativity!

Linked up to Finish It Up Friday at CrazyMomQuilts

Previous Quilts
5th Grade 2011-2012
Kindergarten Handprints 2011-2012
3rd Grade Self-Portraits 2011-2012
1st and 5th Grades 2009-2010


  1. What a great idea to make class quilts! They look great :)
