Monday, December 2, 2013

Quilt Bindings Bonanza

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving weekend.  We had a nice relaxing time.  Thursday I put the turkey in the roaster around noon, we left to go see the movie Frozen with the kids, and when we came back it was almost done and my parents were almost here.  It worked out great.

Saturday our youngest son was baptized.  He is a funny guy and didn't want "people he didn't know" to come.  I told him that I didn't think that anyone who didn't know him would just show up because they felt like it.  Regardless, it was a small group that came to support him and our family.  He was happy with that.

Along with some other things, my parents brought my pile of quilts (6) that I had sent out to Utah to Lynn for quilting  It was fun to get them all back in a large pile.  The bindings are next on my project list along with pajama bottoms for the kids for Christmas....once I get all the flannel pre-washed and dried.

I have to say that I already did 3 bindings while my parents were here.
I just couldn't stand it, and I already had the fabric.
That top one was apparently being coveted by a few while in the process of being quilted.
I am super happy with it and it was used a couple of times over the weekend.
The blue one is partially attached and the bottom 2 are next.
I had to go buy a piece this morning for one of the bindings.

Enjoy your upcoming holiday season.
I'll be posting a few things here and there, but mostly trying to make this time calmer than it has been in years past.  Wish me luck!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful time: food, family, a baptism, and some hand work! Congratulations and the quilts look great. What a beautiful stack!

  2. My mom absolutely loved the red & brown one. I can't wait to see them photographed.
