Friday, October 18, 2013

Fall Snowball blocks

Here's the last one of those WIP quilt tops that I sent out to Lynn for quilting.

Got these charm blocks at the thrift store along with the border fabric too.

I decided to try a couple snowball style blocks instead of only straight blocks.  Mixing it up just a little.

On the 3 sets of yellow/cream blocks right next to each other I am hoping that Lynn will quilt the words Happy

I won't get the quilt back before Thanksgiving, but that's alright.  It'll be done and I can put it away and pull it out next season for a nice surprise for everyone.

Linked up to Finish it Up Friday over at Crazy Mom Quilts


  1. You are really doing a lot of quilt piecing. I like this fall one, but of course I like everything you and Emily do. You guys are certainly productive in the quilt department and in other areas, too. M

  2. Renea, Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm going to use your idea to make a classroom quilt with the kids drawings. I responded here as you are coming up as a no-reply blogger.

    Val's Quilting Studio at

    1. That quilt really turned out awesome. We ended up giving it to their teacher who happened to be leaving for another school. I just love how that one turned out. Good luck to you!

  3. I love the combo of the square and snowball blocks! I plan to try this sometime.
