Monday, February 25, 2013

Because It's Monday

This Giveaway is Closed! 

It's Monday, and we are all pretty slow-moving this morning as we decompress and recuperate from the awesomeness that was our sewing weekend!!  If you missed it you can find some sneak peeks of what we were working on @ instagram.  I'm sure there will be a steady influx of finished projects popping up in the coming weeks here on the blog as we were able to accomplished quite a LOT.  It will definitely be an annual event for us!

So, in honor of a lazy Monday morning and our awesome sewing weekend, let's have a little giveaway...

Recently I pulled out the leftover squares from my Boys at Play quilt
The idea I had brewing in my mind for them is not going to work out, so I'm letting it go.  
That means the squares are up for grabs! 
Just leave a comment telling us why your weekend was awesome (or not-so awesome) and we'll pick a winner tomorrow.

Squares are 4.5 inches.  I think there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 40-50 total charms.  Not all fabrics have equal amounts, some as little as 3 squares some as many as 9.  It's just what was left...


  1. My weekend was not great, found out our long time pastor is retiring. Will miss him. Thank you for the chance to win, I sew mostly for girls - blue would be such a nice change of pace :)

  2. Weekend was awesome, bc its my hubbys last weekend of work!!! WooHoo!!! Also, he didn't have school Friday bc of the snow so we got toplay in the snow as a family. blues would be nice since I have a lot of nephew!!!! thanks

  3. My weekend was not so great because both my boys have been sick. :( What fun little squares :)

  4. Weekend has been filled with snow! Still digging our way out with another 15" more predicted to come! I will need some sewing to keep me busy!!

  5. My weekend was great because it wasn't too busy. I was able to work on some projects and got a lot done!

  6. We had a great weekend with lots of snow and we just had fun hanging as a family.

  7. It was my birthday and we went to Reno! Had a blast and hit all the quilt shops and some bakerys!

  8. Not so great...a sort of sick husband and we are so freakin' sick of winter!!!! We may have to run away to southern UT....

  9. We had a great time at our connty fair, haahaaa, and took my 5 year old to the monster truck show. He's been talking about it still.

  10. My weekend was great. Finished a quilt for my grandson's birthday and enjoyed a tasty potroast dinner and a lively game of Uno with my daughter's family.

  11. My weekend began with dinner with my Mom...always awesome!

  12. This weekend was wonderful because I was able to celebrate my birthday (it was Friday)! Take out sushi on Friday and then a date night with the hubby on Saturday.
