Monday, October 1, 2012

Snippets Pinwheels

My oldest WIP is now my newest finish! Yay!
I don't think I'll ever really tire of pinwheels.  I do love them very much.
I love the fresh-looking color scheme of these fabrics as well.  It's definitely a cheery quilt, huh?

I followed copied this Moda Bake Shop Tutorial to the tee, fabrics and all, except I chose not to do the prairie points.  Mostly because I wasn't sure I'd have enough fabric.  But one day I will do prairie points. It's a personal goal of mine.

  You know the story, I started it way back in 2010 when the tutorial came out and then let it "marinate" for the next 2 years. 

Thankfully in the beginning I was smart and picked up some yardage for the back and binding.  That was a happy surprise when I resurrected the project 2 years later to find that I didn't have to hunt for either.

Lynn worked her magic with a little orange peel quilting and some fancy stuff (I don't know what it's called) on the side. :)

 It's done!  And I Love It!!

In other news, I got my paintbox quilt back from Lynn as well, but I'm saving the binding for this weekend when I'll be camped out in front of the tv watching General Conference.

What are your plans for this week?  Anything fun?


  1. Love it! I am crocheting today because my fingers are cold.

  2. Your marinating was just what it needed! Love it. And I will be stitching binding during Gen'l Conf, also!

  3. love it!! I think it's one of my favorites that you've done, but I'd have to go back and look to be sure ;-) AND - you've inspired me :-) I have a sort-of pinwheel quilt that I've been working on, off and on, for ages. You can see it here, if ya want: and here's some more progress reports...
    anyways - I have been absolutely stuck on how to quilt the 4 corner blocks (If you check the 2nd link, you'll see I've done a mix of straight line, free-motion, and hand-quilting....) The orange peel quilting would be perfect, I think! so, thank-you :-)

  4. I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOOOOOVVVE this quilt. It had a subtle brightness to it!!!!

  5. That quilt is SO cheerful!! And finishing projects is the best.

  6. Beautiful quilt. I love the colors and that's such a fun pattern. I've got my hexagon box full, ready for General Conference too.

  7. So beautiful, the colours and the quilting!

  8. Very pretty. I love the pinwheels and the border.
