Friday, January 20, 2012

Sewing Group Preview

For the past month or so I've been mulling this idea around in my head, trying to decide if I really want to put together a sewing class/group of sorts.  There are ladies out there who want to learn to sew, or improve their skills, or just get away from their families for a couple hours and do something creative.  They've told me.  Or they've asked me sewing questions.  So...I think I've come up with something that will work for a variety of sewing skill levels.  And I have a group of about 8-10 women who are "in".

During my time spent meandering at the library I have found some great quilt books for inspiration and The Block Party--Modern Quilting Bee was one of them.  Just about every quilt in there is something that I think you could have beginners do--because most are wonky blocks and therefore precise-ness of cutting, matching and sewing isn't really required.  That's not to take anything away from the work these ladies did, but many beginners are so intimidated that I think that this will just be liberating for our group.  Plus, I could a little more exercise in "wonkiness".

I decided that the quilt from Oh, Fransson!, the Wonky Stripes Block, would be the one we would try. (For whatever reason I couldn't find the quilt on her blog to refer you to it).  One afternoon I turned to my scrap bin and sorted thru what I had to see what I could put together.  It seemed that oranges, blues, and yellows were calling out to me and so I put together little packets for everyone with their scraps.

After that I decided to make a sample.  I know for sure that one of the ladies coming is not a great visualizer.  Thought this would help her out and anyone else.  Made one....

Decided it was a little too straight forward and symmetrical so I made another one that was a bit more "wonky"...

I am getting excited about this and I hope the others will be too.

The only downside to this was I was hoping this activity would make more of dent in my scrap bin than it acutally did.  Guess we'll have to keep playing and sewing.


  1. How fun! I have taught many to quilt (most in our church basement!) and it is very rewarding. Have fun with it!

  2. It'll be fun to see what you all come up with!
