Monday, January 23, 2012

A Finished Challenge Quilt {Pinkalicious}

I finished up the first of my quilt club challenges over the holidays.  And just like that, it has already  been claimed by my 5yr old.  She is a lover of all things pink so when she caught a glimpse of it during construction she attached herself to it real quick.  That was fine by me as I had no real plans for it other than completion.

When I was laying the quilt out for a little picture taking she asked, "Can (my friend) and I lay on it while you take pictures?"  I thought, why not?!  So, they promptly got a book and started reading to each other without a care for what I was trying to do.  
Isn't being 5 grand?!

For the back I just pieced together some large pink leftovers from my sheet collection.  

Quilting Detail
And the quilting...  I had no plan so I told my quilter she could do whatever.
Hearts on pink -- How could the girl not love it?

 For the time being it is residing on her bed...
And she couldn't be happier to be surround by all that pink!


  1. Love it! Did you quilt it? I really like the quilting too.

  2. Beautiful!
    And I see that she loves her tutu and leotard.
    Very sweet pic with those 2 reading to each other.

  3. Another gorgeous quilt. I can see why the girls want to use it--they make us feel loved. Mom

  4. The quilt is very beautiful. You did a fantastic job. How do you have time to make all of those quilts? Do you ever get tired of cutting out little squares? -Tonya PS Are you so surprised I am actually reading your blog about sewing? :)

  5. So cute! You must have know that she'd claim it for her own, it's perfect.

  6. What a lucky little girl to be surrounded by all that pink sewn up with her Mama's love...great finish! Smiles~Beth
