Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Kids Art to Greeting Cards

Does anyone else have a hard time figuring out gift ideas for their parents?!
This year I think I finally hit upon a fabulous idea for our mom!
She is an avid letter writer; as in the handwritten, slow mail variety.
So when I came up with this idea I was feeling pretty smitten with myself. :)

 When the finished product arrived in the mail I was even more happy!
  How can any grandma not like greeting cards made from her grandkid's drawings?!
It's genius, I tell you! :)

Here's what I did:
I took my kids' drawings from the art wall
Scanned them into my computer as a jpeg.img
Did a little editing in Picasa
Uploaded them to Shutterfly
And made them into blank greeting cards for her to use.

All of the pictures were originally 8 x 10 or larger,
but thankfully I didn't encounter any problems with distortion when they were printed.

I had them made on the 4 x 6 sized cards (I think they're actually bigger than that!) which will work perfectly for mom's letters!

In fact I am already thinking about a second series for her... maybe for Mother's Day.

P.S. For the record, Shutterfly has no idea who I am!  I am just a girl trying to make beautiful things for myself and my family.  I have used Shutterfly's services before (for photo books, address labels, and Christmas cards) and have been extremely happy with their products.  


  1. Oh. My. Goodness. This is brilliant. What Granny wouldn't love these pictures. I am impressed. AND I may just have to "borrow" your idea. Thanks so much for sharing.

  2. Very cool.
    Our school did something like this as a fundraiser--but this is better.

  3. O.K. Mom was very excited when she got the pkg. the other day while we were visiting. Too bad my MIL isn't a writer because I would love to do something like this for her. Maybe I'll just have to make some for myself.

    And I think you should use P's pic of Santa on your personal blog for your Christmas card next year. Just saying.

  4. What a great idea! I need to remember this for next year!

  5. This is such a great idea! I love it. I usually take pictures of my sons drawings and them put them in a book to keep, like shutterfly, or my publisher type book, then toss the originals and we have less "stuff" to store.
    Plus he loves looking through the book.

  6. I'm pinning this one to Pinterest! That is the most BRILLIANT idea I've ever heard! Love it! Thanks for helping me take care of Mother's Day this year, my mom and MIL are going to adore this. :D
