Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Grad Quilt #2 -- Vintage Sheet Style

Today we are celebrating another graduation, that of our fabulous family babysitter.  We have been lucky, in that our kids have only known one babysitter in their short little lives.  For the past 5 years this lovely young lady has tended our kids for many a date-night.  At one time we joked that she was an independently wealthy teenager because of us.  Now that she's graduating we are trying not to be sad. But the truth is, we are going to sorely miss her when she leaves for college.  She has truly become part of our family.

When deciding on a quilt style for her I knew Vintage Sheets would be the way to go.  She is a girl who loves old style.  (Her dream car is a beat up 1940's style Pick-up truck.)

After seeing this quilt I knew I could replicate it beautifully in real vintage.

I used sheets from the swap last year.
It's pretty amazing, in that every time I do a vintage sheet project I think I've used up all the pretty ones, only to find some beautiful unused piece.  It's been fun discovering new lovelies.

Quilting and binding detail
For the binding I found more Michael Miller Ta Dot.   (I told you I wanted it in every color!)
You can see that I added a small piece of backing fabric in with it.  I think it's a great little touch!

The backing is another $5/yd sale piece I found at my LQS.  I am loving the vintage/modern vibe that it's giving off.

My girls have loved this quilt!  So much so, that they want to have their room re-decorated in this style.  Wouldn't that be cute?!   It would make a cheery room, for sure.

 To Miss B the Babysitter we say Congratulations!!  Our lives have been forever blessed by knowing you.

Coins were cut 8.5 inches wide, with varying heights between 2.5 and 3.5 inches.
Sashing: Kona Ash cut at 2 inches, borders cut at 4 inches
Binding is Micheal Miller Ta Dot in Lime
My only regret is that this quilt is on the small side, measuring 55" by 63".

SilverLily Likes to Sew


  1. Oh, it's a fabulous quilt, Emily. I love that you've sashed it in the light gray.

  2. How beautiful! Your vintage sheets look lovely in this design! And now you're inspiring me to make something similar!

  3. What an great quilt! I'm sure she is going to love and cherish it.
