Wednesday, November 24, 2010

WIP Wednesday

I'm linking up over at Freshly Pieced today.
Here is a run down of my current WIP list.  (It's a doozy!)

1.  My Pinwheel Sampler is off to the quilter as we speak, getting the royal treatment from someone other than me.  Should be awesome when it's done in a few weeks.

2.  This week the only sewing I did involved finishing the remaining blocks for my String Quilt.  (42 Blocks Done) Now I am trying to decide if I want to make it bigger.  I think I do... So, it won't get finished until 2011.

3.  The Sheets and Shirts HST Top is finished, but will most likely NOT get quilted until after the first of the year--too many other things that HAVE to get done before it.

4.  The Star Wars Quilt  for my 11yr old isn't even started, unless you count cutting out as started.  It is supposed to be a gift for Christmas. I still have hope that I can get it done.  We'll see...

5.  My 6yr olds Busy Town Quilt Top is done.  The quilting shouldn't take me very long.  It's tops on my list along with the Star Wars one.  Maybe this week I can make some progress on both.

New projects this week: 0  (That's got to be a first!)


  1. I count cutting as started! Happy WIP Wednesday!

  2. Your string blocks make me want to go home right now and start doing string blocks myself.

    The pinwheel top is gorgeous! The sashing really sets it off.

  3. Love the String Blocks! This has been on my "to-do" list for a while. It just might be a "New Project" on my WiP post for next week :) Thanks for sharing!

    Happy WiP Wednesday!

  4. Oh definitely a cut quilt is a started quilt.

    I have a 3year old in love with Busy Town; I'm intrigued by your quilt idea and can't wait to see it!

  5. Ditto with Felicity, my almost 3 year old is obsessed with all things Busy Town, I'd love to see what you're working up! And I adore your string blocks. I haven't tried one before, I'm definitely hoping to find some time next year to try a string quilt. Happy WiP Wednesday

  6. Love your pinwheel sampler and string quilt! I'm hoping in the very near future to make both of these...maybe next year!

  7. Why on earth haven't I started a string quilt yet? Yours is incredible!

    Thanks for joining wip Wednesday! Come back next week!
