Monday, November 29, 2010

Recycled Stairstep Quilt

The last time we did a big dejunking at our house my #2 daughter decided that she didn't need this bag anymore. Well, she had barely used it and once you opened up the bag flat it was slightly larger than a fat quarter. So I took it all apart and cut those 4 fabric pieces (about 23" square) into 3" x 6" rectangles and made this cute quilt.

I love it!

I didn't have enough to make it be a zigzag quilt (I didn't want to waste ANYTHING--and I wanted it as big as possible). So instead I stairstepped it.
Quilted just inside each step the width of the presser foot, and backed it with linen. It wrinkled up pretty good after washing (this pic is pre-wash), but I still like it. Finished size: 41" square.


  1. I like the stair step design just as well as the zig zag... And you know how much I love to "recycle" things into something else as well. Way to go!

  2. This is very pretty and I like it even more knowing that it was once something else! Well done!
