Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Me and My Quilt Club

Six months ago I was invited to join a quilting group.
To tell you the truth I wasn't sure how it would work out.
But, I'm happy to say that it has been such a great experience for me.
It's a time for me to get out and talk all things fabric and quilts with a group of very talented and supportive women.
But unlike the Modern Quilt Guilds that are popping up all over the country, my quilt club is...well, not so much.

There are 12 of us in the group.
Here are some of us on a recent Quilt Show outing.
See, not so modern.
(Which one of these things is not like the other? That would be me!)

When we meet each month we always have show and tell.
I bring things like this and this.
They don't quite know what to say...
But, of course, they are always so sweet and kind and say things like, "pretty colors."

So why do I go?
Because these ladies are talented!
As in, years of experience.
And they do everything by hand.
In fact the youngest lady there (not me), who is still a grandma, is the only one out of the whole group who machine quilts.
And only one or two other ladies gets patterns and ideas off the internet.

So I go each month and listen, and learn, and admire all their creations.
And while some of it is not my taste or style (I'm sure they say the same about me!)
I can still see the beauty and enjoy learning from each and every one of them.


  1. That is so cool. I can only imagine the good conversation that goes on!

  2. I think I need to go hang with my neighbor and her Lutheran quilting ladies starting this Fall.

  3. That is really cool. I learned all my quilting form my grandma and find the information priceless. I can only imagine what you are learning from a whole group of very talented ladies.

  4. I am 40, a mom to 3 little ones, and in a guild of 200 women! I would guess that 195 of them are much older than me. But I go. You are right, they are sooo talented! I learn so much from them. And you know they are happy to have a younger generation there. Are you still involved?
