Friday, August 13, 2010

Marinated Cucumbers

I don't like pickles, but I do like marinated cucumbers. Go figure!

This is one of my all-time favorite recipes for cucumbers--if they are homegrown, even better.

It comes from the Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook (the red and white checked one) which is my personal favorite basic cookbook.

Marinated Cucumbers
For marinade combine in a covered container:
1/4 c. vinegar or lemon juice (I use white vinegar)
1 - 2 Tbs. sugar
1/4 tsp. celery seed

1 large cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced (3 c. worth)
1 small onion, thinly sliced and separted into rings

Toss to coat with marinade.
Cover and chill for 2 hrs. or up to 5 days.
You can also add a little diced tomato to it, which is quite delicious also.


  1. oooh - I love these! forgot about them this year (how is that possible??!) I'll have to go out to the garden and see if we have any cukes left!
    I think they are best after a day or two ~ so more than 1 cuke is necessary; by the time they are perfect, they're already half gone...

    thanks for reminding me about this delicious taste of summer.

  2. i have to keep this one open to print it or something because this sounds so good.

  3. for a completely different oriental take slice the cukes paper thin, use rice vinegar, sugar, and grated ginger! super yummy, fresh, cool and a little spicy!
