Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Playdate dress {Oliver + S}

Detail views of sleeve:

Love this contrasting hem:

Pattern Pros:

It has pockets!
a million possibilities with that hem and yoke
Easy to follow instructions (no surprise there. you can count on that with Oliver and S)

Pattern Cons:

Yoke takes a little time, but not really a con.
I thought the length was a touch on the short side, even with my smaller than average child.

Great pattern, but I probably won't be making one in every size like I do with many of their patterns. I do want to attempt one more in a larger size. Making the yoke and the main body the same solid color. Then embellishing the yoke. Something like this:

Over the top for a toddler? Probably. But I still want to give it a go.

And here is the other bubble dress I completed for my baby. This is 12-18 month size to fit her later.


  1. Those are some gorgeous dresses. I love that first one, with those colours and the contrasting hem. Very cute!

  2. pretty!

    and come on, when retail stores are making ridiculously adult clothes for kids, i think the embellishment is not only OK but way more tasteful and cool than the other stuff out there!

  3. Awesome pattern + pretty fabrics + mad sewing skills = Adorable dresses!

    May I suggest matching ones for Cousin L and S (*wink*). Just a thought! :)

  4. that little dress is precious!! great job
