Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Let's Talk Bindings...

I am having issues with bindings.
Well, not until I tried to do the bindings right.

Let me explain. When I was learning how to bind I found myself a nice little tutorial and went to town. But my first binding didn't turn out so well. I chalked it up to the learning curve. So I did a little modification and~Voila~a perfect binding. I was hooked! So, now that I'm feeling confident about my binding abilities I decided to try the right way again.

The trouble is, I'm still not exactly happy with the right way.

The right way:
2.5 inch strips folded in half
sew thru both thickness
fold over, pin, and stitch on the back side

My issue is that this way makes the corners WAYYY too bulky, the binding ultrasuper skinny, and the folded side doesn't always cover the seem on the back side. I know how to fix the super skinny-ness and the folded side not covering the seem, but the bulky corners are making me crazy!

My (modified) way:
2.5 inch strips
sew thru one thickness
fold up to the seam and iron
fold over, pin, and stitch on the back side

My way takes about thismuch longer to accomplish, the binding does come out a little wider, but the corners lay nice and flat.

Left: skinny right way Right: wider wrong way

I know the quilt police aren't going to come to my house if I'm doing it wrong, I'm just wondering what I'm not getting. So my question is: Am I the only one who finds the corners to be too bulky on the right way? Do you have any binding advice/tips? I'll take anything.

In the meantime...

In an effort to wait and show my quilts AFTER they are completely finished, here is my current stack of bindings that are waiting to be attached. I'm starting to feel like this only it's the quilting that's holding me up.

1. Baby Boy Quilt 2. Lap quilt in solids to be revealed later 3. Another lap quilt to be revealed later 4. Antique rose quilt for me 5. Niece's Baby Girl Quilt 6. For my ORB Quilt Along Quilt 7. Neutral Baby Quilt


  1. Do you miter the corners? I use this tutorial and love it.

  2. Since when is there only one "right" way to do anything? I think your way looks fantastic.

  3. I say if it ain't broke don't fix it.
    These are YOUR quilts. make them so you enjoy looking at them.

  4. Quilts and more magazine has a great quick lesson on binding in the back of all their has worked like a charm and i never seem to get bulky corners.

    maybe this will help!

  5. Ohh i had the worst time with them for the longest time, In one of my quilting magazines i found a really quick and nice way to do them and they look really nice. It is in the Better homes and garden Creative Collection pg 104-405(April 2009) If anyone wants it let me know and i'll stick it on my blog. :)

    1. sure, I am always open to learning a new technique.

  6. I go with 2 3/4 inch strips instead of 2 1/2 because it still makes skinny-ish binding but I don't have the issue of missing it so much on the other side. However, I only machine bind, not hand bind.

  7. maybe a silly question, but have you clipped your corners?? That really helps me get rid of the bulk there.

  8. :) thanks for linking to me :)

    I do trim the quilt sandwich a bit at the corners and that helps.

    I just like a skinny binding, too. Sometimes I go with 2.25" to start. Either way I think all your bindings look great, and you should stick with what works for you!

  9. get ready... I have just converted to 3" bindings. I love the design element of a bit more binding showing. I always use 2 layers of batting so the middle sucks up just enough more of the binding that I need the width. I have switched to a 3/8" from the edge on the first stitching of the binding to the quilt, this allows for a perfect foldover and then a quick and painless stitch in the ditch catches the back fold. You need to try it. You, too, will be converted to 3", 3 flipping inches --- what a difference!
