Friday, February 12, 2010

Plain Spoken Quilt {Finished}

Showing off my finished quilt is feeling a bit anti-climactic to me right now. Not sure why...

Maybe because it's been 12 years in the making, or maybe it's because I've been staring at it on my banister for the past 7 weeks, or maybe it's because it took me 2 complete spools of thread (and 9 bobbins) worth of quilting to get it finished.

Whatever the case, I can't tell you how happy I am to have this one DONE!! I'm doing the happy dance as I type! (And the husband is pretty happy, too!)

I think the quilting turned out nice. I almost had it professionally done, but the cheapskate it me just couldn't spend the money! In the end, I'm happy I did it myself.

Technically I don't have a quilting machine, so I'd say my basic machine worked like a champ! I was skeptical, though...

I did my first scrap binding using 3 of the blues from the quilt. Love it!

The polka dot fabric is the backing. I was going for manly and geometric on the back.

The finished quilt measures 60" (1.52 m) by 80" (2.03 m). Huge for me! But my husband is tall and wanted it to tuck under his chin and still cover his feet. It's also big enough for the both of us to share.

(As if I haven't told you enough, you can read about the evolution of this quilt here.)


  1. It's even better in person. One of your best I'd say!

  2. Oh, I love it! It makes just solid colored fabrics look so rich. I love the pattern. Tiffany

  3. so i completely admit i feel like an idiot asking, but its just time for me to finally ask!

    How do you do the quilting design when you do it yourself? Is it just kinda a little here, a little there, and you just sew all over? I've make some simple block quilts, mainly tyed to bind, but one i stitched in the seams, but I have NO CLUE how to do this quilting like you guys do, OR where you'd even take it to get it professional done? Help?

  4. It looks so great! Congrats on the finish. I'm sure he loves it.

  5. It's gorgeous! Your quilting came out beautifully, and I love the design.

  6. It looks beautiful! The quilting makes the quilt that much more amazing. Congratulations on a finish!

  7. My friend Kevin is working on his quilt like this one too. I'll have to check in on him and see where he is in the process. This is a great quilt!

  8. Amazing finish! I love the colors you used, and your quilting looks fantastic!!

  9. When you do your own machine quilting, do you lay it all out and put safety pins everywhere and then start sewing it? I want to try it with my machine, but I'm a little nervous. How big of a quilt have you done?

  10. Yes, I lay the whole thing out and pin it like crazy. I would suggest practicing on scraps to get the feel of your quilting and then just go for it. It will be a little different feel on a big quilt because it isn't as manuverable as a small one, but you can do it!

  11. I really love this all blue quilt. Can you post the size rectangles that you used?
