Saturday, January 2, 2010

Finishes {and some Starts}

When I joined Jacquie's challenge I intentionally kept my number of unfinished projects low so I'd had a fighting chance of actually getting them done. My two little ones were pretty easy to accomplish, but my big ones lingered over my head. I started quilting my Nine Patch, but ended up unpicking it (or rather my sweet husband unpicked for me!). In the end I decided not to beat myself up over the challenge. It's not a competition after all!

I have figured out that the quilting is my least favorite part of the process. Probably because I'm not very fast and my technique could use some work. But I am happy to report that after starting it 426 days ago, I did manage to finish my Halloween Disappearing Nine Patch. I got it done just in the nick of time--if you can call 426 days "in the nick of time!" I'll have to post pictures after it gets out of the wash.

So, that makes three finishes for the challenge. They were:

{I have two more tops (one little and one big) that have been sitting unfinished for a loooonng time. I am hoping I can finish them up before spring and send them on their way. I don't know about you, but projects that sit for a long time weigh me down.}

But while I finished three, I also started another three. Like I said, the quilting is my least favorite part, and the piecing would be my favorite.

Old Red Barn Quilt Along

Alumni Plain Spoken

1 comment:

  1. I love that tree mini quilt! Good job on all the finishes (and the starts too!). Happy new year!
